Labels:bed | bulletin board | dialog box | lamp | monitor | person | plant | sconce | sky | tree | window OCR: tweakui.cnt tweakui tweaku Tweak Dosya Duizen Yer Imi Secenekler Yardim tweakui Icindel Gen About Tweak "Tweak UI" allows you to fine-tune ["tweak"I the Windows User Interface (] To run "Tweak u" double-click its icon in the Control P Panel. .ur Tolean more about "Tweak u" click the "Contents" button in the button ber te the top of this MopuIM i ogeleri <uracak: To uninstall "Tweak Ur make sure to follow the instructions in the <UI settings "How to Uninstall Tweak U" section ol this help file akUI iSI Duzen icindekiler Gieri Jearn window kuracak